Monday, March 17, 2008

The first picture is on our fifth wedding anniversary. Oh, look at all we've accomplished in those few short years. The second is Hayden getting a hair cut from Daddy. He surprisingly enjoyed it. The third is of sweet Olivia taking a little "shut eye" while running errands in the car. The kids are definitely keeping us busy these days. Olivia is now sleeping much better and over her collic. Hayden is simply into everything. He says the funniest things all the time. We joked that the only time he isn't talking is when he sleeps....but the other night while I checked on him he was talking in his funny. Audrey is such a little Mommy. She is so much help to me...and talk about saying funny things. She is at the stage where she is asking things like...where do clowds come from...where does rain come from...too funny.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Snow day!

Happy Birthday Hayden!

Hayden is enjoying the blue icing on his birthday cake...what a mess!